Beautifying Anki – Giving Anki a Taste of Material Design.

Beautify Anki deck overview page with night mode

This is A blog post about Anki. if you somehow found yourself here but you don’t know what Anki is. Please, do some research about it first.

So, I love Anki. and a big part of that is because’s open-source and’s highly customizable.
I started by customizing my notes but then realized why not customize how the whole app looks.
So I wrote, “Beautify Anki”. An addon that gives Anki a taste of material design. Now, I am not a designer per se. So when I decided to publish it. I tried to make everything as customizable as possible.
So you can change the not-so-exciting default Anki UI into something like this:

preview of Anki's deck browser and deck overview using beautifying Anki add-on with different themes.

To take a closer look at the add-on, Visit its Github Repo. To download it head to Ankiweb.
If enough people are interested I’ll write another post about how to modify the source code to tweak it even more to your liking.


The add-on has a Home Page now. Which, contains detailed documentation.and, everything about how to customize it.