Add this widget to Notion
Use the source code above and follow this tutorial to create your own link of the widget then customize it to your own need.
Customize it!
Replace the parts in black of this part of the code with your own numbers and text
<div class="box">
<div class="header"> <i class="fas fa-coins"></i><br>
300% </div>
of sallary is available as a liqued asset
<div class="box">
<div class="header"> <i class="fas fa-funnel-dollar"></i><br>
30% </div>
of sallary goes to savings (investment certificate)
<div class="box box2">
<div class="header header2"> <i class="fas fa-coins"></i><br>
24000 LE </div>
<div class="box box2" >
<div class="header header2"> <i class="fas fa-funnel-dollar"></i><br>
5600 LE </div>
per month
Widget In Use
Although I No longer use the same Finance page used in this picture, ever since I posted about it, I got lots of emails asking about this widget in particular so I thought I would share it here.

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