Notion Widget: Buttons

Life Preview

Add this widget to Notion

  • Follow this tutorial to create a GitHub repository.
  • Copy the code here into a new GitHub file.
  • Start editing the file to make it yours!

Change The Button Text

Scroll Down to the end of the code and replace “My Button” with your text

  <button class="btn large my-color rounded threeD" type="button" onclick="navigate()"> <i class="fa-regular fa-star"></i> My Button</button>

Change The URL

Scroll Down to the end of the page and replace “”” with your URL

    function navigate() {"", '_blank').focus();

Want the links to open on the same page instead of a new tab?

replace “_blank” with “_parent”

    function navigate() {"", '_parent').focus();

Customize The Icon

Remove The Icon

remove this part from the code (right before the button text)

<i class="fa-regular fa-star"></i>

So this

  <button class="btn large my-color rounded threeD" type="button" onclick="navigate()"> <i class="fa-regular fa-star"></i> My Button</button>


  <button class="btn large my-color rounded threeD" type="button" onclick="navigate()">My Button</button>

Add a Different Icon

  • Head to FontAwesome.
  • Search for the icon you want
  • Make sure to filter by “Free” icons
  • Click the Code to copy it
  • Paste the code right before your button text so the code looks like this
  <button class="btn large my-color rounded threeD" type="button" onclick="navigate()"><i class="fa-regular fa-file"></i> My Button</button>

Change the color

Use one of the preset colors

Pick the color you want and replace “my-color” with it.

For example: To make a red button the code should look like this:

  <button class="btn large red rounded threeD" type="button" onclick="navigate()"><i class="fa-regular fa-file"></i> My Button</button>

Add Your Own Color

Don’t like any of these? No problem

  • Go to Google Color Picker and pick a main color and a slightly darker accent color and copy the HEX code for both
  • Scroll to the top of the code and find this part
    :root {
      --black: #3c3c3c;
      --black-accent: #2d2d2d;
      --blue: #809bce;
      --blue-accent: #5c6f94;
      --purple: #8a508f;
      --purple-accent: #5d3661;
      --mint: #b8e0d4;
      --mint-accent: #8ba89f;
      --pink: #eac4d5;
      --pink-accent: #b495a3;
      --green: #74a892;
      --green-accent: #5e8675;
  • replace the color codes here with your own codes
    • –my-color:#34495e;
    • –my-color-accent:#2c3e50;
  • Make sure that “my-color” is applied to your code and not any other color
  <button class="btn large my-color rounded threeD" type="button" onclick="navigate()"><i class="fa-regular fa-file"></i> My Button</button>

Change The Button Size

replace the default “large” with mid or small to get different sizes

  <button class="btn small my-color rounded threeD" type="button" onclick="navigate()"><i class="fa-regular fa-file"></i> My Button</button>

Remove the Rounded Corners

Remove the word rounded so the code looks like this

  <button class="btn large purple  threeD" type="button" onclick="navigate()"><i class="fa-regular fa-star"></i> My Button</button>

Remove the 3D Effect

      <button class="btn large purple" type="button" onclick="navigate()"><i class="fa-regular fa-star"></i> My Button</button>

    Remove the word threeD so the code looks like this